Make your dreams come true with 12 months same as cash financing. Whether purchasing a hot tub or swim spa for soothing aching muscles or exercising benefits, you can experience your dream in the comfort of your backyard.
Dealer Financing
By purchasing a large item through a dealership, such as; a car or boat, a retailer can secure the sale of your purchase more readily than waiting for a buyer to arrange their financing. When offering customers access to funding, the dealer handles all the financial arrangements.
Benefits of financing your spa, pool, or sauna.
- Pay for a pool, hot tub or sauna over time
- Variety in financing options
- Convenient monthly payments
Hot tubs are an investment too, so choose the one that best fits your lifestyle and budget. There are small tubs that hold only two to three people or large eight-person hot tubs with all the bells and whistles.
Depending upon the spa or hot tub of your choice and how much cash you have available, you may wish to finance your spa. Pool Tech Plus offers 12 months same as cash financing.
When considering the cost of a family vacation with a Twilight Spa, it’s pretty comparable. A new hot tub is within your reach. For just a few dollars a day, you can enjoy your vacation at home every day.
A hot tub can transform your life by financing the spa of your needs at the best value. We can guide you through the hot tub financing options that will help you get the hot tub of your dreams.
Contact Pool Tech Plus, Inc. today to get easy financing options for your desired budget-friendly, low monthly payments. We make the buying process as stress-free as possible. We’re here to support you throughout each step. Start enjoying your dream stay-cation today!