Can Hot Tubs Prevent Illness?

Can Hot Tubs Prevent Illness?

Are you just trying to make it through cold and flu season without catching anything? Your hot tub can help! Studies have shown that hot tub hydrotherapy actually boosts the immune system, which minimizes your chance of catching every flu bug your workmates bring into the office this year. Here’s how hot tubs can prevent illness.

Increased Blood Flow

It may feel like total relaxation when you sink into those warm waters, but actually, your heart and cardiovascular system are getting in some exercise. The heat raises your core temperature, causes your heart to pump faster, and your circulation to increase. This increase in temperature and bloodflow throughout your body stimulates white blood cell production. And white blood cells are your body’s natural defense to fight off illness and viruses. 

Stress Relief

Chronic stress wreaks havoc on the immune system. It can lead to all sorts of problems like ulcers, hypertension, headaches, heart disease, and you guessed it, the common cold and flu. Thankfully, one of the biggest hot tub benefits is stress relief! The peaceful environment provides a quiet sanctuary to decompress while the warmth increases your circulation and has a positive effect on your autonomic nervous system. Then the hot water and massaging jets ease muscle pain and target the physical symptoms of stress.  

Better Sleep

We all get exposed to cold and flu viruses at times, but did you know if you get enough rest, you’re less likely to catch the virus? That’s because, just like stress, sleep has a direct effect on the immune system. When you sleep, your immune system releases cytokine proteins, which are important fighters against infection, stress, and inflammation. When you don’t get enough sleep, you inhibit your body’s ability to produce the number of cytokines it needs. This is not great for the millions of Americans who are walking around sleep-deprived! But, here’s the good news. Soaking in a hot tub before bed can help you fall asleep easier and sleep better

If you want to make it through cold season unscathed, make hot-tubbing a regular part of your routine. Not only will it boost your immune system, it will be an activity you enjoy every time. No hot tub of your own yet? Let us introduce you to amazing Master Spas®! Visit our showroom and we’ll answer all of your hot tub questions and help you pinpoint the best spa for your needs, space, and budget. You’ll find your new hot tub brings you incredible benefits like helping you prevent illness and so much more!

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