Fun Facts About Hot Tubs

Fun Facts About Hot Tubs

Did you know that there’s more to hot tubs than meets the eye? We’ve scoured the dusty archives to bring you some exciting and unbelievable facts about spas. Get ready to have your mind blown and to awe your friends and family with your abundant knowledge of the hot tub industry.

Pool Tech Plus experts are the pool and spa professionals of Southern New Mexico and West Texas. Thanks to over 50 years of combined experience, we are uniquely positioned to share these fun facts with you!

Here are some fun facts about hot tubs:

Jacuzzi, the start of it all (sort of)

The name “Jacuzzi” became synonymous with hot tubs in 1925. Two brothers, known as the Jacuzzi brothers, created the first submersible pump. At the time, a younger family member had developed rheumatoid arthritis, so the brothers designed a submersible pump that aerated. They created it for hydrotherapy in the bathtub and it’s still used today!

Hot Tubs… and UFO’s

Okay, not exactly UFO’s (sorry, let’s take our tinfoil hats off now), but we got your attention, right? Good! Now for the real stuff. After reading our first fun fact, you’re familiar with the Jacuzzi brothers. However, did you know that hot tubs have their roots in aviation? That’s right. The jets that power hot tubs today were inspired by airplane jets. After they created the first enclosed-cabin monoplane, they made waves in the agriculture industry.

Monkeying Around

What’s more adorable and exciting than monkeys bathing in the warm waters of hot springs? Sure, they aren’t exactly spas, but hot springs helped inspire the creation of hot tubs. January through February, you can find monkeys soaking life up to stay warm in Jigokudani Monkey Park in Japan’s Nagano Prefecture. A little bird told us that the monkeys are especially photogenic when they’re surrounded by snow. During warmer months, they don’t visit the hot spring as often.

Regulating Type 2 Diabetes

Diabetes is a serious matter, we all know that, but did you know that soaking in your spa daily has health benefits? Research by the New England Journal of Medicine found that hot tub therapy offers benefits for sufferers of Type 2 Diabetes. After soaking for 30 minutes, daily for 10 days, patients experienced several changes. Changes involved reduced insulin doses, weight loss and an increase in overall well-being.

Hot Tubs in Ancient Life

Hot tubs go as far back as A.D. 552, when Japanese Buddhists bathed ritualistically. Nestled between volcanic belts, Japan’s hot springs were used for purification of the body and soul. They were also thought to bring good luck! In Western Europe, hot tubs made a Renaissance comeback after the Catholic church’s strong stance against bathing fizzled away. In the Mediterranean, the ancient Greeks utilized hot springs for their healing, hydrotherapeutic waters… Although ancient people didn’t have access to the powerful massage jet systems that we have today, they found ways to access hydrotherapy.

There are plenty of other interesting facts about hot tubs, but we’ll save that for next time!

Master Spas is America’s leading luxury hot tub manufacturer (click here to view our current makes and models). What’s more? We carry them! At Pool Tech Plus, we’re dedicated to providing customers with what our experts believe is the best. Our commitment to carrying high-quality products means that we are happy to guide our customers during the buying process.

Order a Master Spas today by calling us at (575) 639-9882.

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