How to Fight Colds & Flu This Winter with a Home Sauna

How to Fight Colds & Flu This Winter with a Home Sauna

Beat cold and flu season with a sauna


Cold and flu season is officially underway. Wouldn’t it be nice if there was a natural, enjoyable way you could avoid getting sick this year? For sauna owners, there is! 

Sauna bathing boosts the immune system and helps you avoid winter colds.

Really! When you step into the sauna, you’re not only easing muscle pain, relieving tension, and relaxing for the moment, you’re actually doing something that can improve your health on an ongoing basis. Regular sauna use has all kinds of long term benefits: lower blood pressure, improved cardiovascular health, better mental health, and better immunity. 

Medical research has found that saunas significantly reduce your risk of catching a common cold. How does sauna bathing boost your immune system? A sauna’s heat produces white blood cells more rapidly. White blood cells are the body’s assault team that fight illness and viruses. 

The key to boosting your immune system is regular sauna use. Every time you sauna bathe, your white blood cell production happens more rapidly, But for your immune system to be ready to ward off illness all season long, you need to use the sauna frequently. 

Saunas also help relieve cold symptoms. 

You’ve probably heard that old adage, “sweat out a cold.” While that’s not actually true (it still takes 7-10 days on average to recover from a cold), if you do get sick, your sauna could ease some of the uncomfortable symptoms. 

First, the heat increases blood flow which carries oxygen throughout your body, including carrying more to your brain. This increased blood flow can relieve sore muscles and fatigue. This allows you to tackle some of the tasks you can’t skip just because you’re sick. 

Second, a sauna, especially in the case of a traditional sauna used with steam, can ease congestion. Consider adding eucalyptus or essential oils like peppermint or tea tree to the water for added relief. 

Winter may be synonymous with colds and flu, but if you make sauna bathing a regular part of your routine, you don’t have to fall sick! And these days owning a home sauna isn’t just for the rich and famous. Good Health® Saunas come in an array of sizes so they can fit in nearly any home! Assembly couldn’t be simpler and they are more affordable than you’re probably expecting when you think of owning a home sauna. Visit us and let us show you all the amazing features in person! Your transformational life of sauna ownership awaits.


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