Study Eyes Hot Tubs and Obesity

Study Eyes Hot Tubs and Obesity

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Count calories, count carbs, count protein, or count points…Whatever method you choose, losing weight and improving obesity symptoms centers around a healthy diet and an active lifestyle. But what if you could up your fitness game by indulging in an activity you absolutely love? New findings show that soaking in a hot tub (that’s right, hot tubbing!) can be a beneficial obesity treatment.  

The Study

An exciting research study from the University of Oregon suggests that consistent hot tub use can improve the conditions related to obesity. In the study, six obese women soaked in a hot tub for at least an hour, 3-4 times per week. Fat samples were analyzed at the beginning of the two-month study and again at the end. Researchers also tested insulin sensitivity for four of the women.  

The Findings

The results were impressive. The women showed reductions in fasting glucose, meaning they now had a lower risk of developing diabetes. Blood pressure was reduced; heart rates were lowered (both of which indicate a reduced risk of heart disease). Additionally, the results showed better metabolism and improvements in other heart health indicators. 

Amazingly, the research showed that sitting in a hot tub impacted the body in some of the same ways as aerobic exercise. A spa raises body temperature and increases blood flow, just like exercise.

“We see blood flow patterns in subjects in the hot tub that look like what we see in subjects during aerobic exercise,” said Brett Romano Ely a doctoral candidate at the University of Oregon.  

Improvements include better cardiovascular health, better blood pressure, and weight loss! 

The Takeaway

As Virgil said, “the greatest wealth is HEALTH”. Which is why every one of us is concerned with improving or maintaining our health. How great to know that the hot tub you’ve been wanting can assist you in improving your health! If you want to improve your health and lose weight, frequently use your hot tub. As a bonus, it’s an activity you’ll enjoy every second of! 

Wondering what other ailments can benefit from soaking in a hot tub? Read this or check out our blog for more articles about the health benefits of hot tubs. 

Need a hot tub of your own? Come in and see our wide selection of Master Spas® hot tubs

Study Source: Experimental Biology, April 24, 2018

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