It seems everyone is talking about the new Star Wars movie… but we have our own Rey of light that fights the Dark Side. When you have the right water sanitizer, it’s the last hope you’ll need.
Here’s how it works. Every time you use your hot tub, you leave behind food for bacteria. The bigger the buffet, the more bacteria are going to want to come to the party. Apparently, hot tubs are romantic for microorganisms because right away, they make baby bacteria, who then use your spa as a bacteria bassinet.
The end result is hot tub water that looks, smells and feels like Jabba the Hut trying to french kiss Princess Leia. Ewww!
A high quality water sanitizer (not the junk you find at the big box store) eliminates the stuff bacteria eats, keeping your water balanced and silky. No more itchiness, no more tight skin, no more foul or chemical smell.
Through the use of additives that act as passive biostat agents, bacteria can’t surround itself with a protective biofilm, which leaves them as helpless as the Death Star without its force field.
Water sanitizers are effective, easy and safe — unless you’re bacteria. Then, they’re a great big buzzkill that killed its own father with a lightsaber.
What are you waiting for? Stop by one of our showrooms or give us a call and let’s add the right sanitizer to your water treatment routine.