Why Hot Tubs are Great Investments for Families with Kids

Why Hot Tubs are Great Investments for Families with Kids

Tired of planning for vacations that never seem to happen? Enjoy one-on-one time with your family from the comfort of your own home. In today’s fast-paced world, it’s difficult to get time alone with our loved ones. However, this doesn’t have to be the case! Invest in a hot tub so that you have access to a new excuse for family bonding activities. Nothing quite melts the day’s troubles away like letting loose.

What’s great about a spa, is that it gives you the freedom to relax on your time! Even better, the more you and your family members use it, the better your return on investment. Owning a hot tub is a lot like having a miniature spa resort without all the stress of planning a vacation.

Here’s why hot tubs are great investments for families with kids, and why you might want to keep it all to yourself!

Bond over Games

Spend time together in your spa with some fun games! Bond with friends and family by breaking up your daily routine with games while you soak. There are plenty of activities to choose from. Here are a few:

  • Play a game of pass with a ball or a rubber ducky. Whoever gets it to the opposite side of the spa without touching it, is the winning team!
  • Use two plastic cups, every player will pour a little bit of water into the cup without it sinking to the bottom. Whoever gets it to sink loses.
  • Drop five or more ping pong balls into the center of the hot tub. Avoid touching the ping pong balls as they travel around your spa. There’s a catch: players have to remain at least halfway submerged in the water.
  • Play musical chairs but with jets instead! Have someone play music and stop it at random and whoever gets the seat without a running jet, has to get out!

There are a variety of other options out there!

Watch a Movie

Movies are a great way to connect with your loved ones. For this, all you need is an extension cord (please, keep it out of the water’s reach), a laptop or small TV and a stand. Throw some snacks and your kids’ favorite soda into the mix, and you’ve got a full-blown movie night! If you plan to watch a long movie or prolong your soak time, you might want to lower the temperature of your hot tub. For adults, it’s generally recommended not to soak in high temperatures for longer than 30 minutes. For children, safe soak time and temperatures will vary. Check out this article we wrote about ideal soak-time for children.

Have a Heart-to-Heart

Put away your phones and tablets and find out what’s been going on in each other’s lives. Sometimes, we get so caught up in our own worries that we forget to reach out to those closest to us. Open up with your spouse or children, and encourage them to do the same with you. This will help you cement your relationship and build trust with those near and dear. This is an especially good way to reconnect with your spouse.

De-stress with “Me Time”

As much as you love your children, it’s important to have time to yourself. All of your hard work and dedication to your family means you probably don’t get to take many breaks. Stress is a contributing factor to a long list of illnesses and disease (heart disease, depression and hypertension, to name a few). Throw your favorite music on, open your favorite book, and allow the warm water to massage your worries away. Daily soaking will help you rejuvenate, energize and relieve pain from your body.

Rekindle your Romance

While it’s easy to get caught up in other things, investing time and effort into your spouse is essential to a healthy, happy relationship. No matter what stage of life you and your partner are in, date nights are a great way to heat things up in the romance department. Add some candles, sprinkle a few petals around the spa perimeter and play a song that’s special to the two of you. Or, you can always dim the lights and catch up on each other’s day! It doesn’t take much to rekindle the original flame that had you head over heels.

Why spend an arm and a leg on one vacation a year when you can invest in a personal oasis for everyday use? Connect with your family, heal your body and escape your worries with a Twilight Series Spa. Put your money where it matters by investing in something that will last for years to come.

Click here to check out our Twilight Series. With a full sensory experience, chic design and energy efficiency, we’re confident you’ll love this collection as much as we do!

Happy soaking!

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