Your Guide to G-Rated Hot Tub Games

Your Guide to G-Rated Hot Tub Games

Family hot tub night is an awesome way to get in some quality time with your kids. Laughs and plenty of conversation are bound to happen, but if you want to make family night even more fun for your kids, use the time to play some games. Try out these kid-friendly, G-rated hot tub games and family spa night will be the best night of the week!


You might be surprised at how competitive racing games played with rubber duckies or bath toys can get in the hot tub! Make waves, blow, or aim a jet to send the toys racing to the other side. 


You can find a waterproof version of many card games. Use a simple deck of cards to play Snap or you can find a waterproof deck of some classic favorites, like Uno and Cranium. You can purchase a proper floating game board, or get creative a repurpose anything that’s flat and floats. The lid from a plastic storage bin, an upside-down frisbee, your family loves playing cards, spring for a proper floating game board, or a plastic cutting board.

Board Games

Whatever your family’s favorite board game, first check if there’s a waterproof one available. You’re sure to find Checkers, Spot It!, and more. Also, you might own some board games that are naturally waterproof. See if any of these popular ones are in your game closet:

  • Bananagrams
  • Math Dice
  • Story Cubes
  • Dominos

Guessing Games

You can play guessing games without spending a dime to get started. Younger kids will always go for a game of I Spy and 21 Questions, Who Am I?, or I Can’t Believe That will be fun for older kids and teens. 

Play Hot Tub Freeze Dance

Put some fun music on and everyone dances except one person who’s the judge. When the judge yells, “Freeze!” everyone has to stop dancing and freeze in place until the judge says dance again. If you move a muscle, you’re out. The game continues until only one person is left, and then someone else takes a turn as the judge. 

To make the game more fun, and get people “out” faster, the judge can try to trick people into freezing by yelling words that rhyme with freeze like, “bees, cheese, breeze, squeeze, peas…” you get the idea. If a dancer freezes on the wrong word, they’re out! 

Play Ping Pong Panic

This one is always a fun time. The goal is to avoid all of the floating ping pong balls. Start by adding just a few to the center of the spa. Everyone in the tub tries to move out of the way or to splash the balls away from them. Every 30 seconds, add a few more ping pong balls to the middle of the hot tub. If you touch a ping pong ball, you’re out and have to get out of the hot tub. The last person still in the hot tub is the winner!


Try out these G-rated hot tub games with your family and we bet you’ll find the kids are more eager than ever to join in on a soak in the spa! Do you still need a hot tub of your own to bring family night to life? Let us get you into a Master Spa®!

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